Prayer Letter for Germany - April 2020
Dear intercessors,
Our German intercessors have been greeted this month with the following words:
"Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing make you afraid.
All things are passing. God alone never changes.
If you have God, you will want for nothing. God alone suffices."
— St. Teresa of Avila
How are you, your families and prayer groups at this time? What is on your hearts? What is God saying to you?
Without doubt, the corona virus crisis does not only bring dangers, but also opportunities. Next to the prayer for God's miraculous intervention in this crisis, it is our heart's desire for the hearts of our people to turn back to God. Our prayer is for the name of Jesus to again become great in our land.
And who knows what cannot happen at this time, when we build altars in our homes with our friends and family to worship God and to earnestly intercede for our land?
— Alexander Schlueter and Team
The Call of the Watchmen in Germany is organising online meetings during April for country-wide fellowship and prayer by computer or telephone. We pray that you will also find creative ways to keep in contact with your families, friends and intercessors and to intercede for your land.
Blessings for this time of the passion and resurrection of Jesus. May it also be a time of passover for us all !
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International.
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
Waechterruf e.V. – Goeppinger Str. 43 - 73119 Zell unter Aichelberg - Germany - Telephone: +49 (0) 7021 99890 90
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