Call of the watchmen
Prayer Letter for Germany September 2017
Dear intercessors,
In the first three days of this month of September, many intercessors in the “Call of the Watchmen” (“Waechterruf” in German) network are coming together at the “Make Way” prayer conference in the national capital Berlin. The guiding text for this conference is taken from Isaiah 57:14: “Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.”
God was declaring through Isaiah that He would bring restoration to His people Israel when the “obstacles” in the road to revival are removed. We are praying for revival in Germany and at this conference we will be addressing the obstacles from Germany’s past that need to be removed specifically in this land today to prepare the road for revival in his people here. The spirit of humanism in Germany is a major obstacle as you will read in this and last month’s prayer letters. Please continue to pray “for identificational repentance as well as for authority to remove every obstacle of Marxism that stands in the way for the fulfilment of God’s purposes in Germany, in both East and West”. (Prayer Letter - July/August - German Prayer Conference)
The national parliament elections (see also this and last month’s prayer letter) on September 24th also need much prayer in these uncertain times in the political realm here in Germany.
Thank you for praying for Germany!
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
Waechterruf e.V. - Hangweg 8 - 73252 Lenningen - Germany - Telephone: +49 (0) 7026 819 750
E-Mail: international(at) - Internet:
Chairperson: Rosemarie Stresemann - Managing Director: Oliver Stozek - VR 230 623 Amtsgericht Stuttgart - Registered Charity
Bank details (International/EU format): IBAN: DE73 6129 0120 0464 0500 06– BIC/SWIFT: GENODES1NUE
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