Call of the watchmen
Prayer Letter for Germany- February 2017
Dear intercessors,
Thank you for praying last month for the security issues raised by the terrorist attack in Berlin before Christmas. As you will read in this month’s prayer letter, domestic security has already become a predominant issue in the political debates leading up to the national elections in September 2017.
Dr. Richard Harvey, a British Messianic Jew and initiator of the petition for the “Removal of the Wittenberg Judensau” – the shameful sculpture on the outer wall of the church of Martin Luther (see Hallowed be Your Name in October prayer letter), has now been invited by the “Evangelische Akademie” in Wittenberg to present and discuss his concerns on January 27th - Holocaust Remembrance Day ! This is a major step forward in raising public awareness for this issue in Germany. We keep praying that the sculpture will be removed.
The government continues to investigate the undercover activities of the Turkish Islamic Institute for Religion (Ditib) in Germany, and, after some reports in the press, there are now discussions within the government agency responsible for asylum applications concerning the disadvantaging of Christian refugees or those who have converted to Christianity. (See January prayer letter.) Our prayers are being answered !
Thank you for praying for Germany.
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
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