Call of the watchmen
Prayer Letter for Germany - January 2017
Dear intercessors,
The terror attack on the Christmas market in Berlin occurred the night before this prayer letter was due for release, but a request for your prayers was immediately included. The course of events that night have now been reported in detail in the media along with much critical analysis of this tragic episode in the Advent season in Germany. As well as praying for those who lost loved ones, please pray for the security forces, the police, politicians and the justice system to work together to share knowledge to improve the security of all our citizens, and to better manage the challenges of tracing the movements of those who may be intent on carrying out such terror attacks. Of course this prayer request for God’s wisdom and his protection from the rule of fear not only applies within Germany but in all of our countries.
There are however some encouraging answers to prayer that we were not then able to include in this month’s prayer letter. Since we have been praying, God’s light has fallen on the activities of the Turkish Islamic Institute for Religion (Ditib). German state authorities have become increasing aware of the influence of Turkey and Turkish teachers and Imams in our society and recognise that the entire system has to change. Let us keep praying!
In October we prayed for the restoration of the honour of God’s name in Germany by the removal - from the outer wall of Luther’s church in Wittenberg - of the “Judensau” sculpture which defames and mocks the Jewish people who bear his name. This issue is now being strongly debated in the German and international media. Let’s keep praying until it is removed!
Once again we wish you every blessing for the New Year 2017 – the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in Germany, the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in the UK and the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli control.
Thank you for praying for Germany.
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
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