Call of the watchmen
Prayer Letter for Germany December 2016
Dear intercessors,
There is again much to be thankful for, when we see the success at the moment in the arrests of key people in the Islamist terrorist arena in Germany, and the banning of the Salafist organisation calling itself “The True Religion”. The plans for the distribution of the Quran by this organisation under the banner “Read” – (which interestingly enough in German is the word “Lies” but pronounced “Leese”) – will now not be allowed to happen.
After the vote in the UK for leaving the European Union (Brexit), Germany is again struggling to come to terms with the latest shock: - the result of the USA election. As you will read in this month’s prayer letter we in Germany are asking the question: “What are YOU doing here, Lord?”
This is a time for us not only to pray for Germany, but also for the UK and the USA, and for God’s purposes for these three countries especially to be fulfilled through these events this year.
The entire Call of the Watchmen team wishes you every blessing for this Advent (still a good time to be in Germany) and Christmas season, and for the New Year 2017 – the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in Germany and the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in the UK.
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
Waechterruf e.V. - Hangweg 8 - 73252 Lenningen - Germany - Telephone: +49 (0) 7026 819 750
E-Mail: international(at) - Internet:
Chairperson: Rosemarie Stresemann - Managing Director: Oliver Stozek - VR 230 623 Amtsgericht Stuttgart - Registered Charity
Bank details (International/EU format): IBAN: DE96 5206 0410 0003 6931 04 – BIC/SWIFT: GENODEF1EK1
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