Call of the watchmen
Prayer Letter for Germany November 2016
Dear intercessors,
October 31st is “Reformation Day” in Germany and will have a special significance next year as Germany remembers the day that Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg 500 years ago in 1517. Unfortunately Halloween is gaining ground in Germany with so much commercial pressure on children and adults to buy horrific costumes and attend wild parties. Please pray for Germany – and for your country – to turn from Halloween and remember the message of the Reformation instead.
In this month’s prayer letter you will read about “Persecution of Christians in the land of the Reformation”. There is also a prayer day in Germany for the persecuted church (with a focus on the Middle East) on November 13th. The Christian church is under attack in so many places world-wide and we all need to pray to stand boldly for our faith. But we also thank God for the growth of the church in so many areas of the world despite and even because of persecution!
Thank you for praying with us for Germany!
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
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