Call of the watchmen
Prayer Letter for Germany October 2016
Dear intercessors,
In June we asked you to pray for the refugee situation in Germany which, as you will read in this month’s prayer letter, is still a divisive issue for Christians in Germany.
It is also causing disunity in the union between the centre-right/conservative CDU and CSU parties in Germany which both have “Christian” in their names. With national elections coming at this time next year, disunity within these parties will open the door to a left-wing/liberal coalition in government, with the possibility of a strong extreme right-wing opposition.
So this month we are calling Germany to repentance and for the Christian church to take the lead, so that God will hear our prayers and bless our land with a government that will serve Germany according to his good will and purpose!
Thank you for praying for Germany!
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
Waechterruf e.V. - Hangweg 8 - 73252 Lenningen - Germany - Telephone: +49 (0) 7026 819 750
E-Mail: international(at) - Internet:
Chairperson: Rosemarie Stresemann - Managing Director: Oliver Stozek - VR 230 623 Amtsgericht Stuttgart - Registered Charity
Bank details (International/EU format): IBAN: DE96 5206 0410 0003 6931 04 – BIC/SWIFT: GENODEF1EK1
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