Call of the watchmen
Prayer Letter for Germany - September 2012
Dear intercessors,
After a reasonably quiet period during the summer on the concerns for Euro currency zone (thank you for your prayers), politicians in Germany are coming back to face the issues with the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) as outlined in this month's prayer letter. Please join us in putting intercession for God's will to be done in Germany and Europe before political differences !
Looking ahead to October already, please pray for the preparations for a special week of prayer in Berlin as part of an initiative of Youth with a Mission (YWAM) and others called "Operation Capitals of Europe" which will take place from October 16th to 21st.
Intercessors from many countries will take part and Rosemarie Stresemann from the "Call of the Watchmen" team will be conducting some of the teaching sessions and coordinating prayer walks in the city. A flyer in English is attached and you are warmly invited to come to Berlin in October to pray for Germany "on location" !
"Operation Capitals of Europe" has already taken place in Strasbourg, Brussels and Luxembourg (as EU capitals), Paris, Warsaw, Prague, Edinburgh, Belfast, Dublin, Athens, Cardiff and London. Moscow follows directly after Berlin.
Thank you again for praying for Germany.
Your Call of the Watchmen team.
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