Call of the watchmen
Prayer Letter for Germany - June 2012
Dear intercessors,
For those who prayed for peaceful demonstrations during the night of April 30th and the May 1st holiday in Germany - especially in the Berlin and Hanover areas - thank you ! Your prayers were answered ! One report said: Berlin has not seen such a peaceful April 30 - May 1 for decades. Thanks also for your prayers for Ortwin and Rosemarie who attended the World Prayer Assembly WPA2012 in Jakarta in May. They had a very good and inspirational time and made many new contacts with international prayer networks.
In this month we welcome a third member to the Call of the Watchmen leadership team. His name is Markus Egli. He was born in Switzerland but has been living in Germany since 1983 and working in a leadership role within Youth With A Mission (YWAM) . He is now involved with other Christian organisations as a mentor for their leadership teams and has been called by God to support the Call of the Watchmen for Germany in prophetic intercession. He writes: "We are thankful for the intercession internationally over many years in countries like Argentina, Brazil, Korea, Canada, Uganda, USA, Switzerland, South Africa (to name just a few). Prophets internationally have encouraged us to believe that - at this time - the Lord is again strongly bringing our attention to the call of Germany as a father/leader nation to serve other nations ! "
We look forward to Markus' contributions to the prayer letter in future months.
Thank you for praying for Germany.
Your Call of the Watchmen team.
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