Call of the watchmen
Prayer Letter for Germany - March 2012
Dear intercessors,
Last month we were praying as if our Federal President would survive the onslaught of the media and other political and social pressure. Everything changed on February 17th when Christian Wulff resigned after only 20 months in office due to impending legal challenges to his conduct in personal financial matters.
Joachim Gauck from the former East Germany is the cross-party nominee for election as our new Federal President on March 18th. There are still some personal issues to be addressed as Gauck's current partner and potential "First Lady" is not his wife.
As you will read in the prayer letter, Germany is being shaken in many areas at this time. Please pray especially for wisdom for our leaders and politicians and for God's plans for the office of Federal President in Germany to be fulfilled. God hears and answers our prayers !
For those who may still be interested in "Spiritual insights into Germany’s historical connections with Islam and the consequences", which is the subject of the current "Political Page" on the website in German, the full text of the publication “The Death Pact” in English can now be requested from: international(at) . The problems with this email address have been resolved.
Thank you for praying for Germany !
Your Call of the Watchmen team.
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