Prayer letter
Call of the Watchmen May 2011
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2011-05_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf153 K
Prayer Letter for Germany April
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2011-04_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf394 K
Prayer Letter for Germany March
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2011-03_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf152 K
Prayer Letter for Germany February
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2011-02_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf179 K
The Political Page January/February 2011
Kat: Political Page, Call of the watchmen, Politische Seite Is Protestantism in Germany in danger of splitting? The new Pastoral Duties’ Law and its consequences- Dateien:
Translation_PS_Jan_Feb_2011.pdf306 K
Prayer Letter for Germany January 2011
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2011-01_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf152 K
Prayer Letter for Germany -December
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2010-12_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf176 K
Prayer Letter for Germany-November 2010
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2010-11_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf174 K
POLITICAL PAGE Sept / Oct 2010
Kat: Politische Seite, Call of the watchmen, Political Page Integration without a Mission is Capitulation- Dateien:
POLITICAL_PAGE_2010_10.pdf210 K
Prayer Letter for Germany - October 2010
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2010-10_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf150 K
Prayer Letter for Germany September 2010
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2010-09_call-of-the-watchmen_01.pdf151 K
Prayer Letter for Germany - July/August 2010
Kat: Call of the watchmen- Dateien:
2010-07-08_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf150 K
Loveparade_Reports_and_Prayer.pdf30 K