
Prayer Letter for Germany January 2018

Dear intercessors,

Three months after the elections we still do not have a new government in Germany. Therefore it will be no surprise to you that the focus of our prayers in January will be for the Lordship of God to be over all the negotiations to form a new government. We want to bless our Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, who carry the responsibility to form the government, with the wisdom and knowledge of God. We also bless all the party leaders and politicians involved in the negotiations. We also repent on behalf of our land and pray for Germany to return to being a God-fearing nation based upon the Word of God.

We pray that these concerns will also be subjects for prayer at the MEHR Prayer Conference in Augsburg this month, where some 10,000 participants including many young people are expected, and where the Call of the Watchmen will have a display stand to encourage more people to pray regularly with us for their country of Germany.

Thank you for praying for Germany and we wish you and your families and friends every blessing for the New Year 2018.

Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

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