
Prayer Letter for Germany - December 2017

Dear intercessors,

Our main prayers this month are for God’s will to be done in Germany in the next steps for the formation of a new government. Details are given in the prayer letter and there have been no significant changes since mid-November.

Please also join us in praying for early detection of any plans for terrorist attacks on the Christmas markets which have now opened in our cities during this season of Advent. Pray also for people to be reminded that this is a season in the church calendar to focus our attention on the first and future second coming of the Saviour Jesus Christ, and for a “new reformation” in this land that has been in our prayers throughout this 500th anniversary year of the Luther Reformation in Germany.

We wish you and your families and friends every blessing for this Advent, Christmas and New Year season wherever you live, and thank you for praying for Germany in 2017 !

Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

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