
Prayer Letter for Germany September 2010

Dear intercessors,

We were very much involved in prayer before and after the "Love Parade" (officially promoted as a music and dance festival for young people but in fact also involving alcohol, drugs, sex, and more ... ) in Duisburg in July where 21 young people were crushed to death in a crowd panic. The whole country was in shock for several weeks. More information was posted on the website along with the July/August prayer letter in English.

As a result there will be no more "Love Parade" (at least in the foreseeable future) in Germany, but we must pray for the protection of our young people in these times and for opportunities for them to hear about our Christ/Messiah (the truly Anointed One). We thank God for our street evangelistic outreaches and for initiatives like the Alpha Course which has crossed cultures to bring the important message of Jesus to many including our young people.

Thank you for reading the prayer letter and praying for


Margaret and Phil Daniell

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