Prayer Letter for Germany - May 2024
Dear intercessors,
As you will read in this months prayer letter:
"The Ascension of Jesus and Pentecost experience of the power of the Holy Spirit have opened up for us a completely new dimension in spiritual life: we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 2:6). It is the Holy Spirit who draws us into the reality of this truth, teaches us to think and act in the ways of heaven and to shape our lives around this new reality."
"Let us really use this month, as we celebrate both events, to thank Jesus for this new dimension in our spiritual lives. Let us honour the Holy Spirit for his work within us and consciously spend time in fellowship with Him."
Let us also praise the Lord as we are currently experiencing how nature is coming to life once again. We are surrounded by the beauty of spring flowers and tree blossom. The world is indeed filled with God's glory and infinite abundance. His loyalty is to our countries - even in these very difficult times. Jesus is present - forever - even in our prayer times, "for where two or three come together in my name, there am I iwith them." (Matthew 18:20).
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - Germany and International.
PS: Please consider using the "Sway" version (the large print, colour graphic version) of the prayer letter in your prayer groups, projected onto a wide-screen if possible, as this can really help you to follow the prayer topics as you pray together.
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