Prayer Letter for Germany - March 2024
Dear intercessors,
The letter this month begins with an encouragement for us: "to become aware of our relationship with creation and thereby automatically come closer to God".
We will also read that "creation does have a spiritual dimension which is inseparably linked to God".
This is confirmed in Psalm 24 which tells us that: "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it", which of course includes us!
As we move into the spring-time this month, let us take time to meet with our creator God, as the trees and flowers blossom, knowing that we belong to Him along with all creation, and that He is always there, listening to us as we pray for Germany and especially for those who are suffering in the war situation in Israel, as presented in the prayer letter.
Thank you for praying with us. May you indeed come closer to God our Father as you become more aware of His creation and the nature in which we live.
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - Germany and International.
PS: Please consider using the "Sway" version (the large print, colour graphic version) of the prayer letter in your prayer groups, projected onto a wide-screen if possible, as this can really help you to follow the prayer topics as you pray together.
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