
Prayer Letter for Germany - June 2023

Dear intercessors, 


As we pray for God to intercede in our world today -  in our governments, in these times of war and uncertainty, in human trafficking and child abuse, and in our relationship with nature - we may often sense that we are not fully able to face the challenge set before us. 


But as you will read in the prayer letter this month, God has given us all we need - through our relationship with Jesus and the power of His Holy Spirit:


"There is so much more to discover about the amazing mind and purposes of God. Created in His image, we are called to be co-creators with Him. “… what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” (1 John 3:2) Wow, we are so much more than we realise. We have access to His kingdom, to the river of life, and the eternal sources of salvation and the supply of all we need. Heaven is open. Provision has been made for the future. He has already placed within us all that we will ever need." 


Thank you for joining together with us in Germany in prayer.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - Germany and International. 


PS: Please consider using the "Sway" version (the large print, colour graphic version) of the prayer letter in your prayer groups, projected onto a wide-screen if possible, as this can really help you to follow the prayer topics as you pray in together: There is always enough (

Zu diesem Sway wechseln



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