Prayer Letter for Germany - July / August 2022
Dear friends, brothers and sisters,
"You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation". (Is. 12,3)
Everywhere in Germany, summer is already clearly on its way and the much longed-for vacation season has begun. For the coming weeks, we wish for the people of our country rest and renewed strength, whilst thinking especially of our politicians and decision-makers, entrepreneurs, teachers and students, professionals and families, and also remembering those who are offering prayers for intercession! Jesus knows that we need refreshment and has it ready for us.
Bulletin on our finances
Along with the prayer letter we are sending you a bulletin in which we share our heart regarding our financial situation.
Note on webinars
On your days off, check out our YouTube channel, where you will find many of our webinars and more teaching on various prayer topics (in German):
Save the Date
· July 05 at 7:30 pm - Nationwide Prayer Meeting. You can register here:
· August 23 at 7:30 pm - National prayer meeting. You can register here:
· September 13 at 7:30 pm - National Prayer Meeting. You can register here:
Our office will be unavailable by phone from July 12 to August 04. Our central email address (info(at) will still be processed.
This prayer letter is a double issue for July and August.
We wish you a blessed and restful vacation season,
Alexander Schlüter, Johann-Christian Fromme, Stefanie Power and Ortwin Schweitzer
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