Prayer Letter for Germany - February 2022
Dear intercessors,
In this month's prayer letter we are challenged to pray for "Transformation within our society" with the "Keys to the kingdom". This commission was first assigned by Jesus to his disciples and to the church which Jesus said he will build.
As you will read in the letter:
"By this, Jesus and his disciples turned the world at that time upside down and brought transformation within at least a significant part of society – in the area of trade and commerce, in politics, in government and in royal houses,. Could it be that living out the discipleship command could also be a strategy for transforming society and politics for us today?"
"For a new vision for discipleship in the body of Jesus and for the desire and willingness to make disciples and to be "discipled".
(Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:1-2)"
"For a strong sense of mission as harvesters in all the various areas of society. (Mark 1:17; Mark 16:15)"
"For an increase in power to be witnesses to Jesus through the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8)"
"For Christians in all areas of life and work to courageously grasp the keys to the kingdom of God and to experience the Holy Spirit in their everyday lives. (Isaiah 60:1-2)"
We think you will agree that the people in Germany, (and also in your country), need to hear the good news of Jesus from his disciples in his church today in a way that relates to their lives at this time.
Thank you for praying for Germany on the 22nd anniversary of this prayer network and especially for transformation in our society !
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International.
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
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