Prayer Letter for Germany - October 2021
Dear intercessors,
The main focus for our prayer this month is on the formation of the new government for Germany after the national parliament election on September 26th. With the reduced support for the two major parties - Union (CDU/CSU) and SPD - the next government will require a coalition of three parties. As it is unlikely that the Union and SPD will now agree to continue to work together in a "grand coalition", the two parties with next largest number of votes - the Greens and the FDP (liberals) - are set to determine which major party (Union or SPD) they will work with to form a coaltion with a clear majority for a stable government. This will also determine who will become the next chancellor - candidates from the CDU, SPD and Greens were in the race - to replace Angela Merkel who is stepping down after 16 years in office.
As you will read in this letter:
"The transition into a new era is not easy for any of us. Many of us have been praying for Germany for many years. We need the spirit of Joshua and Caleb to bravely venture into the unknown (Numbers 14:24). Let us again dare to pray “courageous prayers”, knowing that we hold God's promises for our country in our hands. We are called to move forward and break out of the “status quo” in which we feel safe and secure.
In addition ... , we need wisdom in how to pray for our country right now. We are called to pray in a way that we may have never done before. For this we need the wisdom that we do not find in the newspaper. Rather, let's spend much time in the presence of God and keep our eyes on the kingdom of God - more than on the world of politics."
The policy for climate change and management of natural disasters are also major issues for the future in Germany. The central theme of this prayer letter is for the body of Christ - all Christians - to pray for Germany to return to God as the Creator of heaven and earth and for the newly elected politicians to fulfil God's word and purposes for our land.
Thank you for faithfully praying with us.
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International.
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
Waechterruf e.V. – Goeppinger Str. 43 - 73119 Zell unter Aichelberg - Germany - Telephone: +49 (0) 7021 99890 90
E-Mail: international(at) - Internet:
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