Prayer Letter for Germany - September 2021
Dear intercessors,
In this month's prayer letter we are looking to see what God is doing in Germany at this time with all the unfamiliar and uncertain circumstances we are currently facing. We have the rebuilding of many communities after the tragic floods in July, the corona pandemic which continues to challenge relationships in our society, between our politicians, in our health system and in our industries, and the coming national parliament election in September which includes the appointment of a new chancellor after Angela Merkel being in charge for the past 16 years. Germany is also now deeply involved in the chaotic and dangerous situation in Afghanistan, along with other nations, with the withdrawal of its troops after 20 years as part of the NATO deployment. We were asking for prayers for the future of Afghanistan already in our June prayer letter when the withdrawal was about to take place.
As you will read in this letter:
"These days are marking a turning point in Afghanistan history. Yet God looks upon Afghanistan with compassion. He will continue his plan of salvation for Afghanistan, and we want to help as a nation wherever and in whatever way God has already intended. When NATO troops also leave, God and his armies are ready. We can weep with the Afghans in their misery but at the same time stand up in prayer with them: God's power and glory will be revealed in Afghanistan!"
The central theme of ths prayer letter is to challenge us to sow new seeds of faith through our prayers and to thank God that he is active and has a plan to bring in a new harvest of spiritual renewal, not only in the land where we live, but also in the people and government of Afghanistan as we all pray together as the body of Jesus world-wide for "God's power and glory of God to be revealed".
Let us also pray and thank God for all those who are tirelessly working in the USA, UK, Germany and elsewhere to get those in danger out of Afghanistan and to care for those now in camps in neighbouring contries and to bring them to safety.
Thank you for faithfully praying with us.
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International.
English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell
Waechterruf e.V. – Goeppinger Str. 43 - 73119 Zell unter Aichelberg - Germany - Telephone: +49 (0) 7021 99890 90
E-Mail: international(at) - Internet:
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