
Prayer Letter for Germany February 2018

Dear intercessors,

Four months after the elections we still do not have a new government in Germany!

Negotiations are now again underway between the CDU/CSU (Union) and SPD parties for a “grand coalition”. We continue to pray during this month of Lent for God’s will to be done in the formation of a new government and for Germany to return to being a God-fearing nation based upon the Word of God – as we prayed last month.

In December we told you about the “March of the Nations” on May 15th in Jerusalem to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel, an initiative of the TOS Church in Germany to recognise the friendship of the nations with Israel today. We are pleased to announce that 45 intercessors from the Call of the Watchmen will attend as part of the German tour group from May 11th to 18th.

Thank you for praying for Germany. 

Your Call of the Watchmen Team – International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

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