Prayer Letter for Germany - November 2022
Dear intercessors,
Again in this month's prayer letter there are many issues of great concern for our prayer in Germany and in Europe, for politics and for society.
We are also mourning the loss of Ortwin Schweitzer, the founder and the honorary chairman of our prayer network, who died unexpectedly in October.
As you will read in the prayer letter, we remember that:
"Ortwin opened and strengthened the desire of so many intercessors to pray for politics and society. His devotion to prayer for Germany and for Europe encouraged us again and again and is now bearing lasting fruit. We are sincerely grateful for Ortwin's courage and dedication, for his deep-rooted faith and for his loving, joyful nature!"
We thank God that we were called by Ortwin to pray each month for politics and society, in Germany and Europe. And as we pray together for these challenging issues, "surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses" and "the presence of angels (Hebrews 12)", may we know that our prayers will indeed bear "lasting fruit".
Your Call of the Watchmen Team - Germany and International
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