
Prayer Letter for Germany - July/August 2021

Dear intercessors, 


As usual each year, this prayer letter is for July and August to allow the contributors and the editor to have a summer break! The next letter will be for September. 


We are again challenged this month to open our hearts to experience God's creative ways of reaching out to us with a message for our land through works of art and pictures. Last month it was through dreams.


As you will read in the letter: 


"Let us deepen our personal relationship with the creator, master-potter, sculptor and painter this summer. When and where is he planning to make the next stroke of the paint-brush? If we are aware of his vision, thoughts and plans, we can take part in the completion of his great work of art in our land through our prayers. " 


May God again surprise you this month as he shares his "works of art" and as they "come to birth" in your hearts to encourage you as you pray. May they be pictures of spiritual hope and revival in Germany and in your country. 


Thank you for faithfully praying with us.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International.


English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell 


Waechterruf e.V. – Goeppinger Str. 43 - 73119 Zell unter Aichelberg - Germany - Telephone: +49 (0) 7021 99890 90

E-Mail: international(at) - Internet:  

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