
Prayer Letter for Germany October

Dear Intercessors,  

We would like to draw your attention once again to the “Global Gathering” to be held from 25th to 28th October in the Olympia Hall in Munich. We asked you to pray for this event in the September prayer letter.


In June this year, God not only released a blessing on us in Germany through the “Awakening Europe” event in Stuttgart, (see March prayer letter and “Answer to prayer” in this letter), but at the same time many Asian leaders (17,000) were meeting in a “Gathering” in Hong Kong. There, for the first time, they called out for the body of Christ in Asia to come together with hearts in unity. God then released an amazing sign for them. That night, a statue of Buddha in North Vietnam, which was about to be dedicated, collapsed.


God spoke clearly at the beginning of this year that a similar gathering, a “Global Gathering”, should take place in the autumn on German soil in Munich. At that time the leaders did not know that such a great number of refugees would stream into Germany. We are now facing a huge challenge in Germany and in Europe – which is also an opportunity. God’s attention is focused on us and He is calling the whole world to come to Munich!


Please ask the Lord if you should also be there in Munich! From the Far East, 1500 Chinese have already registered. Many of the leadership team of the Call of the Watchmen will be there, including the under-signed international team.


You will find more information and registration details on the website: The Global Gathering will be held in English and Chinese with translation into German over headsets.


Thank you for praying for Germany.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

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