
Prayer Letter for Germany July-August


In May we interceded for the Greek people and the country of Greece which is facing state bankruptcy and an exit (Grexit) from the Euro zone. The latest proposals by the other Euro countries and the IMF for structural and economic reforms in Greece have been rejected by the Greek government which now plans to refer the austerity program to the Greek people in a referendum in Greece next Sunday, July 5.

Let us continue to pray for the Greek people to know that God has a plan to give them a hope for a better future as they trust in Him, and for God to give them and their government leaders wisdom to make the best decisions for the future of Greece. Pray also for good relationships between Greece and Germany to the benefit of the people of both nations, whatever the outcome of this crisis in the next days and weeks.

Let us be encouraged in our prayers. Last month we asked you to pray for peaceful demonstrations at the G7 Summit in southern Germany. The police and media were so amazed that there was so little trouble and were searching for some clarification, clearly unaware of the power of prayer!

Thank you for praying for Germany.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

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